Tunde and the mysterious birds

Tunde and the mysterious birds

Cód. 9786599244322   -   Vendido e entregue por:  Ereginga Educação Editora

por R$ 48,90


Literatura infantojuvenil negro-brasileira

Autora Ana Fátima

Tradução Marieli de Jesus Pereira

Ilustrações Salamanda

32 páginas


Obra bilíngue: inglês/libras

ISBN 978-65-992443-2-2


Tunde and the mysterious birds

Tunde and the mysterious birds is a story that involves mystery, ancestral memories and the charm that a child's gaze can bring to the diverse situations of everyday life. This children's book is the third work that Bahian writer Ana Fátima dedicates to referring to African symbols with black characters, this time around the country of Nigeria and the philosophy of Ubuntu.
Book title: Tunde and the mysterious birds
Author: Ana Fátima
Illustrator: Salamanda
Translator (English): Marieli de Jesus Pereira
Publisher: Ereginga Educação
Music by: Jahgun
Interpretation in LIBRAS: Dilcinéa Reis
Year of publication: 2020
Category: Children and Youth
Number of pages: 32


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